I am certified as an integral coach through New Ventures West. I have many years' experience with learning and creativity that I draw on to support my clients:

  • As a project manager I'm privileged to work with brilliant thinkers to integrate educational technology with a powerful, research-based K–6 curriculum. Grounded in the work of visionary developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, this curriculum braids together academic and social-emotional development. It helps teachers build on students' intrinsic motivation and create learning opportunities in which students construct, rather than passively receive, knowledge.
  • As a writer focusing on avant-garde poetics I've published two books with a third on the way (Lizard, due out from Chax Press in 2015), as well as numerous chapbooks, and have seen my work published widely in magazines and anthologies. I'm the recipient of the Leo Litwak Fiction Award and several grant-supported writing residencies. From 2009–2011, I was an Affiliate Artist at Headlands Center for the Arts. I've served on the California Book Awards poetry jury since 2012.
  • As a creative writing teacher at the University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, Santa Clara University, and California Poets in the Schools, and in private workshops and one-to-one consultations, I've helped thousands of people of all ages access their creativity and use it to shape vibrant art.
  • As a student of diverse art forms and somatic practices, I've studied theater, flute, figure drawing, dance, Tai Chi, yoga, Qi Gong, TRE (trauma release exercise), and EFT (emotional freedom technique). I've created and performed solo and collaborative multimedia pieces incorporating various combinations of poetry, recorded and live voice, movement, still images, and film. I've practiced meditation for the past 20 years, and in 2015 did my first month-long silent meditation retreat.
  • As a breast cancer survivor I've been to hell and back.

You can read more about my background here and find links to some of my writing here.





My route is riddled with crystals.

                          Edmund Jabès